How to transfer ownership of your Team or Enterprise account

Only the account owner can transfer ownership of a Team or Enterprise account:

  • Go to your Organization page.
  • In the Account owner field, click TRANSFER. You will be redirected to a new page.
  • In the Transfer Ownership page, click Verify it's you. You will be prompted to log into your account again, then redirected back to the Transfer Ownership page.
  • Click the Choose a new owner field to open the dropdown menu.
  • Select a team member to make the new owner.
  • Click Transfer Ownership.

If the existing team account owner does not have a separate Zapier account, a new one will be created for them and they will become a regular member of the team.

miscEye icon Note

If the account owner deletes their account, this will delete the entire Team or Enterprise account too. All users will lose membership to that team account, including all features and Zaps in that account. To avoid this, existing owners must transfer ownership to another member of their account first.

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