Connect to Stream on Zapier
Stream uses session authentication to authenticate your account on Zapier.
Required authentication fields
- Client ID
- Client Secret
Optional authentication fields
- None
Additional authentication instructions
- Refer to the API credentials email you received from Stream Support regarding the Client ID and Secret.
Learn more about authenticating your Stream account in Zapier.
About Stream's app
Are self-hosted or cloud-hosted accounts supported? | Cloud-hosted accounts only | |
Is a paid Stream plan required? | Yes |
You must have a Stream Go account with the API access add-on. You'll see an error message if you don't: { "type": "",
"title": "invalid_client", "status": 400, "detail": "The client credentials
are invalid" }
View Stream's plans. |
Are any special account permissions required? | No | |
Are there usage limits? | Yes | 200 requests per minute. If you exceed the limit, you'll see this
error: Response Status Code: 429 Too Many Requests { "errors": [
{ "code": "RUNRL", "description": "Maximum number of requests per
minute exceeded", "severity": "ERROR", "traceId": "45e12d4e924ec"
} ] } Learn more about Stream's usage limits. |
Are there pagination limits? | No | |
Do trigger samples use real data from your account or generic data? | Not applicable | |
Are custom fields supported? | No | |
Do update actions overwrite or append to existing data? | Overwrite existing data | This applies to the 'Update Order' and 'Update Order Item' actions. |
Is there any additional info? | No |